Friday, November 15, 2013

DEM Map Samples

Hillshade DEM Sample:

The data demonstrated here is an assemblage of information obtained from The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and presented with raster data.  The digital elevation model (DEM) utilities were exercised from within the ArcGIS software to present the information. Presented is a demonstration of a shaded relief model which is specific to exemplify the terrain/elevation. The following information is pertinent to the sample above and was obtained from the USGS the values listed are between the low of 0 to a high of 254. Other than the numeric values, the base height conversion values are not provided. Spatial reference is noted as ‘GCS_North_American_1983’, Datum is noted as D_North_American_1983 and degrees are listed under ‘Angular Unit’ as 0.0174532925199433. However, the Extent information is the following; Top 49.0016666667, Left -120.001666667, Right -118.998333333, and Bottom 47.9983333333.

Slope DEM Sample:

The data demonstrated here is an assemblage of information obtained from The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and presented with raster data.  The digital elevation model (DEM) utilities were exercised from within the ArcGIS software to present the information. Presented is a demonstration of a shaded relief model which demonstrates values that reflect the steepness of the given surface. The following information is pertinent to the sample above and was obtained from the USGS the values listed are between the low of 0 to a high of 247.681. Other than the numeric values, the base height conversion values are not provided. Spatial reference is noted as ‘GCS_North_American_1983’, Datum is noted as D_North_American_1983 and degrees are listed under ‘Angular Unit’ are provided as 0.0174532925199433. However, the Extent information is the following; Top 49.0016666667, Left -120.001666667, Right -118.998333333, and Bottom 47.9983333333.

Aspect DEM Sample:

The data demonstrated here is an assemblage of information obtained from The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and presented with raster data.  The digital elevation model (DEM) utilities were exercised from within the ArcGIS software to present the information. Presented is a demonstration of a shaded relief model which provides an aspect layer with values that range from -1 (flat) to 360 (North). These values refer to the direction at which specific areas of the DEM face. Other than the numeric values, the base height conversion values are not provided. Spatial reference is noted as ‘GCS_North_American_1983’, Datum is noted as D_North_American_1983 and degrees are listed under ‘Angular Unit’ are provided as 0.0174532925199433. However, the Extent information is the following; Top 49.0016666667, Left -120.001666667, Right -118.998333333, and Bottom 47.9983333333.

Demonstrated here is a 3D rendering constructed by combining the previously complied and pictured DEM data. Collectively it helps illustrate the hillshade, slope and aspect features.
Hillshade DEM Sample:
The data demonstrated here is an assemblage of information obtained from The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and presented with raster data.  The digital elevation model (DEM) utilities were exercised from within the ArcGIS software to present the information. Presented is a demonstration of a shaded relief model which is specific to exemplify the terrain/elevation. The following information is pertinent to the sample above and was obtained from the USGS the values listed are between the low of 0 to a high of 254. Other than the numeric values, the base height conversion values are not provided. Spatial reference is noted as ‘GCS_North_American_1983’, Datum is noted as D_North_American_1983 and degrees are listed under ‘Angular Unit’ as 0.0174532925199433. However, the Extent information is the following; Top 49.0016666667, Left -120.001666667, Right -118.998333333, and Bottom 47.9983333333.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Obtained from: "Colville Indian Reservation"

The Colville Indian Reservation is home to 12 constituent bands of Indigenous groups that make up the Colville Confederated Tribes. The reservation is situated, as demonstrated by this map, in north central Washington State, of the Pacific Northwest in the United States of America. The boundaries of the reservation are clearly defined by the bold maroon line. What I find interesting is westward of the reservation is a small maroon dot. The dot is situated where the Wenachee River and Icicle Creek meet and is representative of Trust Lands associated with the Colville Tribe.

Map of the Colville reservation
Obtained from: "Washington State Magazine: The Law and the Land"

 This map of the Colville Indian Reservation demonstrates the larger communities on the reservation, consisting of Nespelem, Keller, Inchelium, Omak and Okanogan that are on the boundaries and near the boundaries and within it. Additionally, the state highways are illustrated with the red lines. Highways are patrolled by Colville Tribal Police with agency assist from county, state and federal entities. Also demonstrated in this map are the various water resources. The Columbia River and the Okanogan River provide partial boundaries of the reservation. Four of the major lakes are also demonstrated on this map; Omak Lake, Buffalo Lake, Owhi Lake and the twin lakes to the east near Inchelium.  This map also demonstrates proxemics to the neighboring Spokane Indian Reservation and the City of Spokane.
Obtained from: "What is this? Top definitions & references about hobby, art, sport, health, culture, science and technology."
Colville Indian Reservation Is...

 This map provides more specific and detailed information such as highways, paved roads, and dirt roads. More of the smaller, rural communities are that are spread throughout the reservation are evident in this map. Chief Joseph Dam is located near the confluence of the Columbia River and the Okanogan River, however, the map does not identify the Grand Coulee Dam; which is situated on the Columbia River along side the community of Coulee Dam. Reservoir names are noted in this map which are Lake Roosevelt and Lake Roofus Woods. The reservoirs are direct results of the construction of the dams on the Columbia River.

*For all intents and purposes, this blog has been created for assignment fulfillment regarding GEO 328 and is structured based on coursework requirements.