Friday, November 15, 2013

Hillshade DEM Sample:
The data demonstrated here is an assemblage of information obtained from The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and presented with raster data.  The digital elevation model (DEM) utilities were exercised from within the ArcGIS software to present the information. Presented is a demonstration of a shaded relief model which is specific to exemplify the terrain/elevation. The following information is pertinent to the sample above and was obtained from the USGS the values listed are between the low of 0 to a high of 254. Other than the numeric values, the base height conversion values are not provided. Spatial reference is noted as ‘GCS_North_American_1983’, Datum is noted as D_North_American_1983 and degrees are listed under ‘Angular Unit’ as 0.0174532925199433. However, the Extent information is the following; Top 49.0016666667, Left -120.001666667, Right -118.998333333, and Bottom 47.9983333333.

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